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How to Turn $4.50 into $15,000 in 30 Days with Paypal
I turned $4.50 into $14,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you free of charge. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will personally GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!


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I turned $4.50 into $14,706 within the first 30 days of operating the business plan that I am about to reveal to you free of charge. If you decide to take action on the following instructions, I will personally GUARANTEE that you will enjoy a similar return!

Worldwide Participation ! - You can Participate if Paypal is in Your country - list of all Paypal countries

To get started copy the whole document and insert your email in the right place.
This is a very profitable business.
 So, just make a nice cup of tea and get started on it now. After all, you can't lose, but you stand to gain more in the next few weeks than many people earn in a year!

My name is Ryan Smith. I was made redundant from my job in June of 2001, along with several other employees at the printing firm where I worked. At that time I was living beyond my means and in serious debt. Several debt collectors were hounding me on an almost daily basis, and this consequently started a chain reaction that ended with the repossession of my car and then my home. As you can probably imagine, my prospects looked pretty bleak.

Then, in March of 2002, I received a short and simple email telling me how to make over $15,000 at a time. I ignored it because of course, I was skeptical. However, I didn't delete that email because something about it rang true to me, and I was desperate to know whether it was possible to make that amount of money in such a short space of time. I finally realized that I had absolutely nothing to lose by having a go at the plan offered to me in that email. And apart from that, I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking “What if it actually works?”

Therefore, I put my doubts to one side and I went ahead and followed the simple instructions given in that email. It took me less than 30 minutes to complete and it cost me no more than $4.50 .  And yet, by the end of 2002, I was able to book the family holiday of a lifetime in Miami, and I bought a brand new Audi A8 with hard cash. And in the autumn of 2003, I purchased a tidy semi-detached home for no less than $125,000. And yet, I don’t owe a single penny to anyone!

To date, I have made exactly $392,718. My accountant has drawn up a cash-flow forecast in which he predicts that, within the next 24 months, I will become a millionaire just through this one business alone. Even now as I write this, I find it strange to come to terms with the fact that, like most people, I’ve worked hard and struggled all my life just to ‘get by’ and then something ridiculously simple drops into my lap and immediately turns my life around completely. When I think back to all the similar emails I had previously deleted, it makes me shudder, because now I know just how close I came to missing out completely.

What did it say in that email? Well, if you'll read on, all will be revealed!

to make serious money online - PERIOD!

The business plan I am about to share with you works perfectly every single time. I’ve never made less than $15,000 from it on each occasion. Let me assure you that this is a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, a perfectly legal moneymaking enterprise. It does not require you to sell anything, or speak to your friends, family or anybody else (unless you want to). In fact, you do not need to come into contact with any people whatsoever. Anyone with a pulse can make their fortune with this system. If you believe that ‘every dog has his day’, then follow the simple step-by-step plan exactly as it is set out below. If you do this and this alone, I GUARANTEE that within the next 30 days you will receive over $15,000 in cash via your Paypal account. I know this must sound like an outrageous claim, particularly if you've never had possession of this sort of money before, but believe me, this business works like nothing else you may have seen before in your life! Please do not allow your initial skepticism to deprive you of certain financial success.

I am so certain that you will make a SERIOUS INCOME with what I'm going to tell you that I'm willing to roll up my sleeves and help you begin - NOW!! You will not be asked to buy anything or sacrifice your free time. You will make some fast and easy cash, using just a copy of this page and the simplest and most popular Internet payment system in existence!

This program works no matter what country you are in or what currency you use. You won't need to run a website, or make phone calls, or make photocopies, or send out letters through the mail, or pay for advertising, etc. The only things you will need are:

An email address
A Paypal account with at least $4.50 deposited in it
30 minutes of your time

This program takes just 30 minutes to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. And yet, you will stand to gain many thousands of pounds within the next few weeks from those 30 minutes of easy work! Yes, I know, it sounds too good to be true! I thought exactly the same thing myself until I actually tried it out!

NOTE: If you want to send out more than 40 emails to increase your profits
(recommended).  Please make sure to send out the first 40 emails 1 by 1, by hand to increase delivery. This guarantees delivery of at least 40 emails - you can increase you speed by clicking the back button on your browser after each send and enter a new email address and send again..

Here are just 3 testimonials from the countless individuals who decided to invest nothing more than $4.50 and half an hour of their time to participate in this program:

"What an amazing plan! I followed your instructions just 3 weeks ago, and although I haven't made 10 grand yet, I'm already up to $9,135. I'm absolutely gob smacked."
Alan Humphries , Leicester

"This is Lisa. Well, what can I say?... THANK YOU SO MUCH! I sent 40 e-mail's out like you said and then I just forgot about the whole thing. To be honest, I didn't really think anything would come of it. But when I checked my Paypal account a week later, there was over $3,000 in it! After 30 days I now have over $13,000 to spend! I can't thank you enough!"
Lisa McDonald, Northampton

"I was shocked when I saw how much money came flooding into my Paypal account. Within 3 weeks my account balance has ballooned to $12,449. At first I thought there had been some sort of error with my account!"
Richard Barrie , Cirencester

Just a few months ago, each of these people were doing the same thing as you are at this very moment - reading this! But because they decided to follow the simple instructions given below, they are now considerably better off as a result. And there's no reason whatsoever why you can't share in this success. You've got nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain!

Let's get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days!

Here's what you need to do
. . .

STEP 1 - Sign up for a free Paypal account
If you're not already a Paypal user, the very first thing you need to do is click on the PayPal link below and SIGN UP. It takes just 2 minutes!

Here's the link:

Be sure to use this link so you can sign up for a free BUSINESS account. You'll need to have a BUSINESS account (and not a PERSONAL account) otherwise you won't be able to receive credit card payments from other people.


STEP 2 - Send a $4.50 Payment to the email address at Number 1 in the list to get the book
Once you have your Paypal® account, the first thing you need to do is send a $4.50 payment from your Paypal® account to the FIRST email address in the list below, along with a note in the “SUBJECT” and “NOTE” columns stating  "Please send me the
"Quick Start Class To Free Advertising !" Free Advertising" (see an example below of one of my transactions). Be certain to add this note, Because this is the Online Class  you will send people to who send you payments.
Amount: $4.50 US
Subject: PLEASE Send me to "
Online Quick Start Class To Free Advertising !
Type: Service
Note:  PLEASE Send me to "
Online Quick Start Class To Free Advertising !
When making the payment in Paypal, Select “Service” from the dropdown menu marked “TYPE”. The instructions on how to send a payment are under "SEND MONEY" after you’ve logged into the Paypal account. - It’s very easy.

Here's the current list:


As soon as you transfer a $4.50 payment to the email address at the top of the list, something very eerie happens. It gives you an indescribable, overwhelming sense of certainty,  and belief in the system. You’ve just proved to yourself that, because you have done it, there must be a great number of other people ready to do exactly the same. Thus you have now seen for yourself, first hand, that this business actually works!


STEP 3 - Create and send your message
Now you need to copy all the text on this page, as you'll be e-mailing it out to at least 40 people. The copy that you will send out will contain  YOUR email address at number 5 in the list in STEP 2 (you should use the extra email address with autoresponder that you created in step 4). To do this, you need to remove the email address at number 1 and move the other four addresses up a position to accommodate yours at number 5.  

Now all you need to do is enter the email address of each person you want to send your message to, and then click on the "Send" button. You should send out a minimum of 40 copies of the email (at least 40 emails sent 1 by 1 by hand to ensure delivery) - but  to people you know, or to people who respond Business opportunity and  MLM offers, or to people who've sent YOU offers. This is NOT considered SPAM.
NOTE: If you want to send out more than 40 emails to increase your profits
(recommended).  Please make sure to send out the first 40 emails 1 by 1, by hand to increase delivery. This guarantees delivery of at least 40 emails - you can increase your speed by clicking the back button on your browser after each send and enter a new email address and send again..

If you prefer to use your own email program to send your message, right-click on this page and choose "SELECT ALL". Then right-click again and choose COPY. Then go to your email program and then PASTE the text into a new email message.


STEP 4 - To deliver the Advertising  Class automatically  to the numerous payments you receive.

To enjoy the ease of this business you can setup automatic delivery of this Class after a payment is made to you.  So for example if you receive 300 payments overnight, your autoresponder will send automatic emails to all of them sending them the free online advertising class. Yes even before you wake up.. 

You will need to setup an autoresponder - -
Instructions are below.
1. Go to or , or the yahoo for your country.  
     You can also setup non yahoo autoresponders. If you know how and wish to do that then skip to #6.
2. Signup for a new yahoo mail account  by clicking on  "signup for new account"  - Its free
3. After you complete the signup, go into your new account and click on "Mail options" on the top right.
4 Then click on the "Vacation Response" link near the bottom.
5. Select a period of 6 months for the Vacation Response
6. Below in the
"Generic Response" text area.  copy and paste the text from the autoresponder email that you received after you made your payment- That way all the hundreds of people that will pay you will get auto delivery like you just did.
7. Below that click on a button that Says "Turn Autoresponder On" and you are done with the autoresponder setup.
8 Now that you are done.  Paypal allows you to add up to 8 email addresses in your Paypal account.  So
add this yahoo email address to your Paypal account
by going into your Paypal account and clicking on "add email"
9.  After you add the yahoo email address to Paypal and and confirm it.   Use this email address for this program (that is, add it to position number 5 of this letter and Remove the email address on position 1.  That way all payments you receive will go to that address and the auto responder will respond back with the link to the online advertising class automatically.
So again, this yahoo email is the email address that you will add in Number 5 for this letter.
                              YOU ARE ALL SET TO GO -- GOOD LUCK !!!


THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! The whole process should take you no more than 30 minutes to complete. BE PREPARED TO GET EXCITED.... YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! Half an hour of easy work is all that's needed - no phone calls, no capital outlay, no postage stamps, no printing, copying or waiting, and the concept is 100% legal.

By sending this letter and the payment via EMAIL, the response time is EXTREMELY fast. Within 30 days, over $15,000 cash will pass through your Paypal account. And that’s GUARANTEED. Keep a copy of your email safe so that you can use it again whenever you need more cash!

Here's how it works:

Because of the virtually zero investment, speed, and high profit potential, this program has a VERY HIGH RESPONSE RATE! As long as you send your emails to people who are likely to be interested in this program, you can expect a response from about 25% of the people you send to. But let's be extremely conservative here and assume that you get only a 12.5% response:

You send out your email to 40 different people. You can expect at least 5 of those people to do exactly what you did (12.5% of 40 = 5). By this time, your email address will have moved up to Number 4 in the list, and this list will now have reached around 200 people (5 x 40).

Out of those 200 people, you can expect at least 25 of them to respond (12.5% of 200), so that's a further 1,000 emails (25 x 40) being sent out with you now at the Number 3 position.

Out of those 1,000 people, you can expect at least 125 of them to respond (12.5% of 1,000), so that's a further 5,000 emails (125 x 40) being sent out with you now at the Number 2 position.

Out of those 5,000 people, you can expect at least 625 of them to respond (12.5% of 5,000), so that's 25,000 emails (625 x 40) being sent out with you at the Number 1 spot!

Out of those 25,000 people, you can expect around 3,125 of them to respond
(12.5% of 25,000). Since you will now be at NUMBER 1 in the list, you will receive: $14,062 (3,125 x $4.50).

Over the course of 30 days, this money will be sent to you by a few thousand people just like yourself - who are willing to invest half an hour to receive around $15,000 in cash! This is real money that you can spend on anything you wish! Just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your Paypal account!!! It really is that easy!

But there's more!!! For each person who signs up with Paypal as a result of using YOUR unique referral URL, you will automatically receive a referral bonus of up to $75 from Paypal!

Remember, the 12.5% example above is assuming that 35 out of the 40 people you send your email to will do absolutely nothing except delete your email. Additionally, the above example assumes that each participant will only send out 40 emails. Imagine what would happen if each participant sent out 1,000 emails instead of just 40! Believe me, many people will do this and much more!

Only the first person on the list gets your $4.50 payment, but everyone in the list will rise to that Number 1 position as thousands of emails are being sent out. No cheating can occur (don't be fooled by claims that this system can be cheated) as Paypal only allows one account per person. Because it is so ridiculously easy, the response rate is VERY HIGH and VERY FAST - You will start seeing dramatic results in less than one week! Just in time for next month's bills!

UNLIMITED income potential!

This program is structured for everyone to send only 40 emails each to start. However, you are certainly not limited to 40. Send out as many emails as you want. Every 40 emails you send has a return of at least $15,000 within 30 days. So, if you can email 50, or 100, or whatever, GO FOR IT! The more you put into it.... the more you get out!

A word of warning! Don't be tempted to add your email address to position 1 in order to earn money fast! It doesn't work like that! If you do that, you'll ONLY reach the people you directly send emails to, and then your address will be immediately removed from the Number 1 place and you won't reach thousands of people! But, if you add your name to the Number 5 position, there will be literally tens of thousands of people receiving and sending emails later - when your name is at the Number 1 spot!!! So please, play by the rules and the serious money will come to you! This program doesn't cost anything but $4.50 and about half an hour of your time, and if everyone plays fair, everyone WINS!!

So there it is. You now have the knowledge that will enable you to make over $15,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back now is a lack of faith or a lack of self-belief. However, any doubts you may currently have will disappear within a few days of putting this plan into practice. Trust me on this! You certainly won't regret it.

Thank you, and good luck in your ventures

Best Regards

Ryan Smith

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P.S. To get started copy the whole document and insert your info in the right place. This is a very profitable business.  So, just make a nice cup of tea and get started on it now. After all, you can't lose, but you stand to gain more in the next few weeks than many people earn in a year!



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