Read Below a post made on the Empowerboard Forum by a six year Empowerism Member
He explains how to make money in this program and why the monthly membership fee is a pittance compared to the kind of income you can make! This is the opportunity you and myself have been searching for to make a living on the internet!
After 6 years and 4 months as an Empowerism
member, I feel that I can be of help. Please trust that what I am about to say
is not meant to be intimidating, chastising, or otherwise harsh to you or anyone
reading this. I am going to lay down some of the truths about Empowerism
and how you can succeed. In the process, I
am going to eliminate any excuse that you or anyone else may have for not
succeeding in Empowerism.
The only obstacle to success that I cannot eliminate is YOU. Hopefully, when I
am finished, you will come to realize that success or failure in Empowerism
is totally up to YOU.
Empowerism has
done its part. Empowerism
and its leadership has done whatever necessary since 1998 to make itself a
thriving business in order to provide each of us an opportunity to capitalize
on. The leadership of Empowerism
developed an attitude of mental toughness and since the beginning became blind
to ALL obstacles. Every business has its dark days. Empowerism
has not been immune to those; however, it has done whatever necessary to survive
and become successful. YOU need to adopt
the same attitude!
YOU have to become a believer in Empowerism
and YOURSELF! Then, you share that belief. To become a believer, you
need to become a student of the business. I can tell when someone is not
a student of the business as soon as I hear them pose questions regarding the
$19.95 per month dues as in your case. If you were a student of this business
you would not have to question the $19.95 (from here on $20).
What is Empowerism?
What are you paying for? Is it worth it? The answers and perspective I am about
to give are not mystical or magical. I only have to look to the Empowerism
Member Center for the answers (something that most people never do).
For a moment, let's forget the fact that you can make money with Empowerism.
Empowerism is
not just a network marketing company. Empowerism
is the premiere Computer and Internet Training Center on the World Wide Web.
Did you know that though millions of people join the Internet every year, most
of them have a difficult time powering down their computer. The majority of the
Internet population is still computer or Internet ILLITERATE. It is amazing that
nearly everything that anyone could want to know about the internet or even the
operation of their computer is taught by Empowerism
in the Member Center of each member's Empowerism website.
What are you paying for? A Membership with 6 Levels of Benefits.
Level 1 Benefit: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Computer Operation.
With your Empowerism
membership, you get a lifetime of
Courses and Tutorials that teach you and your family everything you need to know
to operate your computer and to use the Internet. How to power your
computer off and on. How to use Windows and Window Explorer. How to use your
mouse buttons. How to read and use computer menus and sub-menus. How to create a
folders download files, find files in Windows Explorer, open Zip files, copy a
pieces of text, paste pieces of text, copy files, paste files in another
directory, create shortcuts, change screen resolutions. How to understand and
deal with computer hoaxes and viruses. How to set up Internet and email
settings. How to select and deal with your Internet Service Provider. Dealing
with passwords, email addresses, POP3 Servers, SMTP Servers, FTP, Telnet and
NNTP Servers. How to set up Computer and Internet preferences. Email terms,
Outlook Express and Netscape Setups, Email security issues, dealing with
attachments and email filters, junkmail, privacy, encryption and digital IDS,
and web based email. How about SPAM, Plug-Ins and finding free stuff on the
Internet? Making web pages. Downloading and sending images. Setting up your
printer, using it and making it interact with the Internet and other uses.
Newbie Tutorials, Glossaries of Terms, Search Engine use. Beginning,
intermediate and advanced Domain Name usage. Beginning, intermediate and
advanced HTML and Website Design. How to make and use banners including banner
design and exchanges. How to use Mirror and Doorway Pages, Email Marketing and
Safelists. All about Auto-Responders. Use of Internet languages including Java,
Java script, CGI, Pearl and Cookies and Tracking Tools. I think I have scratched
the surface.
Millions of people are joining the Internet every year, and they need these valuable services and education. They will love you when they find out that they can have uninhibited access to a wealth on ongoing education by being one of your Empowerism subscribers!
For you "experts" out there who don't think you need this... you should remember that this is a knowledge base for all of the members in your subscriber database, and will give your subscribers the tools they need to be productive and make money on the Internet. If they are successful, then so are you!
How much is all of this worth?
You could pay several thousand dollars
for college courses, or you can pay $240 a year for an Empowerism
membership; and, unlike college, you can pay it MONTHLY.
You can pay an HTML programmer $50-150 an hour to build and maintain yourself a homepage or website, or you can pay a very small Empowerism Membership so you can build and maintain it yourself. I have several websites for my own needs. Remember, Empowerism teaches you how to market any product or service on the Internet.
Just two of these websites would have cost me thousands of dollars to build and maintain if I would have let someone else do it (, But I built these two and many others myself and I built them and host them for free. I have spent less than $1,500 in six years with Empowerism. Had I not made a dime, this alone was worth it.
The fact that I have been able to prevent or recover from computer crashes has been worth every penny spent for my Empowerism Membership. I have not had to pay a computer technician for over 4 years. When I buy a computer I know what I am getting and why because of Empowerism. I can set it up myself, connect to the Internet myself, etc. Viruses can be very costly. Not for me. I learned how to prevent and deal with them because of Empowerism. These are just a few examples of the "worth" of Empowerism.
Maybe you do not need all of these things. Maybe you just want to double and triple your money on every lead and ad purchase with Empowerism RSVP and MVP.
On the business side, and because I became a student of my business (Empowerism) I can communicate with you, answer any of your questions, help you grow and build your business which in turn helps my business grow. I am a believer in the awesome power and knowledge of Empowerism, and I share that belief with others.
How much does one have to spend on an education and how much time does one have to spend with a company to work themselves up into a supervisory or ownership capacity with that company? As soon as I joined Empowerism I became my own boss. I have been in business 6 years with Empowerism and it cost me less than $1,500. I worked part time, and I have made money from the first month on , and I have started other businesses with the knowledge that Empowerism gives me.
But had I not earned a dime, the preceding paragraphs will
point out that it was worth the membership fees. Let me point out here that an Empowerism
membership today is worth much more than it was when I started in 1998. All we
had was a magazine.
Level 2 Benefit: The Empowerism
Excellence Magazine.
A magazine was all we had to sell for over 2 years with Empowerism.
But it was chocked full of answers and motivational issues that pertain not just
to Internet marketing but to life itself. For over 2 years, myself and other Empowerism
members built a business with the magazine ALONE. The subscription price is a
bit higher than other magazine subscriptions. On the other hand there
was none and still is none that provides the insight into Internet marketing
that Excellence does. And, you cannot make hundreds or thousands of
dollars per month selling subscriptions to Life Magazine or National Geographic.
Well, I suppose you can but it is a bit more work. On the other hand the
knowledge I gained from that magazine alone was worth the Empowerism
membership fee.
Level 3 Benefit: Building A Downline Of Subscribers.
3x9 matrix paying $1
per head on up to nine levels, a $20 fast start bonus for every new subscriber,
and $6 per month for each personal subscriber in your matrix - a $29,000 per
month income potential!
With Empowerism,
you have the opportunity to build a subscriber base that can pay you hundreds or
even thousands of dollars every month. THIS IS OVER AND ABOVE THE WORTH of
Levels 1 and 2. And now Empoweism
offers an automatic prospecting system using the auto-responder to help you
build the business. If you have just joined Empoweism
in the last few years you have had the luxury of using an automatic system.
Prior to that we built our businesses one subscriber at a time through
conventional advertising and contact means. Most of my recruiting success has
occurred offline. The automatic system is just a PLUS for me. And, I must say
that for the last year because of other projects both business and charitable
that I have been working on, the auto system has helped maintain Empowerism
Is the benefit of the Empowerism
Opportunity worth 20 bucks a month? It is if you want to be in business.
It is about the most affordable way to get into business that I know of. Good
Grief! Have you ever tried to start a business? Do you know anyone in business.
Is their overhead $20 a month? Are you kidding me? The electric bill alone costs
more than that. It costs damn near $20 to set up a garage sale!! If the Level 1
Benefit is worth $20 a month... If the Level 2 Benefit is worth $20 a month...
Then surely the Opportunity to be in business is worth $20 a month. If you had
been a student of Empowerism,
you would have realized that the tax
benefits and savings alone for being in a home based business completely wipe
out the cost of $20 per month. The fee itself is tax deductible for
goodness sakes! It is the cost of doing business. Add to that what you can
deduct for home office rent, utilities, advertising, etc. and you will get more
of a tax refund than what Empowerism
costs. The mileage deductions on your car alone would probably wipe out the cost
of Empowerism. So, you make
money just by being a member. If you never receive a commission check you are
money ahead!
Why do you or anyone else fret the $20 a month? For existing members my general
answer is that they are not students of their own business so do not understand
that there is in effect NO COST to Empowerism.
And sure! If you enroll just 3 members, your subscription is FREE. Commissions
pay for it. If you take advantage of the tax benefits available to home based
business operators - your subscription if FREE. The tax savings pay for it. If
you take advantage of just one of the bonus plans, RSVP or MVP - your
subscription is FREE. The commissions pay for it.
But an income won't be handed to you -
only the opportunity. I say this with some reservation. If you do
absolutely nothing, and let the auto-prospecting system work, in time an income
WILL be handed to you.
$20 a month should NOT BE AN ISSUE! The
only group of Americans I know of that cannot afford $20 a month is the homeless.
I have found that even those members who have joined us from 3rd world countries
find a way to carve $20 out of their budget to start a business with.
In every household budget in America, including those on welfare, there is $20 a month to become a member of Empowerism which will give the member an opportunity to free themselves from poverty or enhance their already productive life. It is strictly a matter of budget. Do you drink soft drinks or alcohol during the month. Cut back and put it toward Empowerism. Do you smoke? Quit. Are you overweight? Eat less. Do you eat dessert with your meal once a week or more? Quit - there is 8-10 dollars. Junk foods are expensive. One bag of potato chips is 10% of your Empowerism payment. Skip the movie - rent it later when you make money. I ordered 12 pieces of chicken and jojos last night with a medium size pepperoni and sausage pizza, and a 2 liter bottle of diet coke. The cost with tip was $27. Are you a lead foot. Drop your speed 5-10 MPH and save 10% on your gasoline. If you only use a tank of gas a month or 20 gallons, you save 2 gallons or nearly $4 at today's prices. Spend half as much this Christmas as you normally do. Cut your thermostat back 5 degrees and save $10 on your home heating and/or air conditioning bill. Clip coupons.
If a person has an income they have $20 per month hidden in
their current budget to cut lose. I have never met anyone to the contrary.
Sometimes it takes sacrifice. But you have probably already been sacrificing
yourself for years in a dead end job that will never give you much more than the
money to pay your bills and debts. The best news is that in a short time, you
can have the subscription fee auto-deducted from your earnings each month.
Level 4 Benefit: R.S.V.P.
Epowerism's RSVP bonus plan. Are you in it? If not, why not? Where else can you spend $25.00 for leads and get $2,000 back?
RSVP is an extension of the auto-responder system in that you can buy leads over and above the 50 you get each month for your membership fees. These leads are deposited into your auto-responder and the search is on for subscribers. You can also use these leads for any of your other online businesses.
There are marketers on the Internet who pay thousands of
dollars a year for leads to build their business. They will love you when they
find out they can get $2.000 back for every lead purchase they make as one of
your Empowerism subscribers!
Level 5 Benefit: M.V.P.
Empowerism's MVP bonus plan. Are you using it? If not, why not? Where else can you send an ad to 20,000 people for $100.00 and get back a guaranteed $250.00?
There are marketers and companies on the Internet who pay thousands of dollars a year for ads, to sell their product or business opportunity. The will love you when they find out they can get $250.00 back for every $100 spent as one of your Empowerism subscribers!
Level 6 Benefit: FREE WEBSITE
When you join Empowerism, you get your very own, fully automated eCommerce website hosted on Empowerism's servers for FREE!
The website gives you a business presence on the World Wide Web. You do not even have to have a computer! I first built my Empowerism business without a computer. We faxed member applications in. I still do at times today.
Your Emowerism Website will let the whole world know that you are in business. Your website is encoded with your name and personal ID codes. The back office system of the website, and it's automatic prospecting system, work to invite potential members to your site where they can learn about the benefits of Empowerism and join you! The website automatically handles the enrollments and provides a secure connection for your members to sign up.
Your website tracks the progress of your prospects, tracks your subscribers database, does your accounting, tracks your commissions, and automatically pays you any commissions due. Your commissions are automatically mailed to you by check, or directly deposited into any selected eCurrency account you may have like Paypal, Stormpay, eGold, intGold, etc.
This section also contains a unique communication console that allows you to communicate directly with any or all of your subscribers at once.
The back office - members only section of your website, is also where you access your education and knowledge base.
Also in this section you will find every conceivable marketing tool available on the Internet today, plus the exclusive tools offered by Empowerism. This includes a viral marketing section that gives you the opportunity to join 10 different traffic generating systems and drive even more traffic to your website. These systems make you even more money by providing you another 10 potential income streams. As new members join these systems from their websites, they will be joining under you.
When you or your automatic prospecting system promote your website, you are promoting over 14 different money making products and services from one website!
It is here, in this members only section, that you can chart your own path and name your own income by participating in the Empowerism RSVP and MVP bonus plans. With RSVP and MVP you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars per month and you never have to sell anything or recruit any new members. This is the awesome POWER of Empowerism!
You get to copy our simple, proven money making formulas, and begin to make money within 24 hours after you get your website.
With a potential market of millions around the world; with the quality services; with the simple business opportunity and potential that Empowerism has to offer; there is no excuse for you to not succeed. The only person that can stop your success is you!